VW DSG DL501 Wiring Guide

Installing universal standalone GCU requires certain modifications to be done to the mechatronics unit inside VW DSG DL501 transmission.

Actual for 1.0.9b-6 release

To modify it You’ll need:

CAUTION: This modification require soldering experience and steady hand due to very tight location of soldering

Advice: Get yourself a buddy or a crane to move it on the table because it for sure is not a light one

  1. Drain transmission fluid by removing screw in oil pan.

  2. Once the fluid is mostly removed unscrew the cover, revealing the mechatronics unit, some of the fluid may still remain inside.

  3. Unscrew oil filter basis .

  4. Unscrew torx holding round connector and twist it after .

  5. Remove the plastic cover and disconnect the pin from mechatronics unit.

  6. Now we can remove mechatronics unit from the transmission body by unscrewing these 6 screws.

  7. Move it aside and find plate covering control unit. Its strongly recommended to degrease whole assembly to improve ease of modification and keep your workplace clean.

  8. Depin two connectors on the side of the plate.

  9. Remove 3 screws to separate transmisson control unit from the rest.

  10. Remove screws holding down the cover and reveal the control plate.

  11. Stock controller is connected to pads around it with thin aluminum wire. Remove all of them with tweezers. While removing pay attention to hold them as close to soldering pads as possible so minimal length of them remains (preferably none).
  12. Clean solder pads MECHANICALLY. Degreaser / nitro / acetone does not remove gel cover. Easiest way is to remove it with tweezers and ear cleaning sticks. Bottom connectors require additional cleaning with Dremel type tool with abrasive disc to remove coating preventing soldering.
  13. Measure length of connecting signal (0.2mm2 or 24AWG) wires that are needed to be done. Wires shouldn’t be too short to avoid connection failure in future. Apply tin to tips of wires before soldering on to pads. Make sure there is no short to thin trace between pads.
  14. Perform soldering according to table below